View Full Version : ACJr new firmware

02/02/2007, 06:13 AM
Anybody can tell me (using example code) the functionallity that talks about "Enhanced feed statement with programmable delay".


02/02/2007, 06:15 PM
"If FeedA 005 Then RET OFF"

The timer RET will be OFF for the duration of the feed cycle A and will remain OFF for an extra 5 minutes after the completion of the feed cycle.

02/12/2007, 01:33 PM
So, as a follow up question:

If you wanted the RET to be off for 10 minutes and your FeedA was for 5 minutes, and you also wanted your skimmer and/or other powerheads to be off for 15 minutes, you would:

If FeedA 005 Then RET OFF
If FeedA 010 Then SKM OFF
IF FeedA 010 Then PH1 OFF


02/12/2007, 01:39 PM

02/13/2007, 02:03 PM
Maybe this is a dumb question, but why wouldn't you change Feed A to 10 mins then simply use the delay for the additional items. i.e.,

If FeedA 000 Then Ret Off
If FeedA 005 Then SKM OFF
IF FeedA 005 Then PH1 OFF

This way if your return is off, you know it's on a feed cycle. Also, if you ever choose to end the feed cycle early and cancel it, the return will come on immediately.