View Full Version : questions concerning article

08/04/2002, 08:06 PM
I found your article to be a good reference. I am going to design a plankton area like yours. A couple of questions.

What do I begin the culturing with? Can I use my Dts? How much do I add to the 2 oz container and do I add anything else.

You said they would be ready to extract 7-10 days after beginning but what do I do with them after extraction if I have no need for them at that time. Do I refrigerate like Dts?


08/05/2002, 09:54 AM
I found your article to be a good reference. I am going to design a plankton area like yours.

Thank You and let us know how it works for you.

What do I begin the culturing with? Can I use my Dts?

You need a sample of the type of alga you want to culture. This can be accomplished several ways. Sample from a fellow reefer with a known good culture, alga disk from a supplier, or possibly DTs.

How much do I add to the 2 oz container and do I add anything else.

I'm going to assume you meant 2-liter. I usually fill 1/4 of the bottle with alga, add proper amount of fertilizer, and fill the rest with clean water.

You said they would be ready to extract 7-10 days after beginning but what do I do with them after extraction if I have no need for them at that time. Do I refrigerate like Dts?

The 7-10 day period is typical. The time to harvest can be shortened by adding CO2. After harvesting, I refrigerate.

Use the search function to search for recent threads on phytoplankton and culturing. Flame*Angel and Matt Beamann have posted good information on this subject. In addition, take a look at Flame*Angel's web site, well done and lots of good information.

Hope that helps.
