View Full Version : pH question

02/13/2007, 07:05 PM
I just have a question about the range of pH in aquaria. I was reading through Anthony Calfo's "C... The Journal Vol. 1 #1" and was intrigued by his article on pH - How low is too low, really. I read through it and he states that "ph recommendations have been too low for too long." And his recommendation is for a pH of 8.3-8.6. I have also read Randy Holmes-Farley's article "Reef Aquarium Water Parameters." In this he states the pH should be between 7.8-8.5. I am just wondering what advantages are there to keeping a higher pH? Why is Anthony suggesting the higher range?

Randy Holmes-Farley
02/14/2007, 07:47 AM
While I do say that 7.8 may be OK (based on the fact t hat some folks have fine reef aquaria with a pH low in that range), I also normally suggest that pH below 8.2 is less desirable.

The primary concern is that calcification by hard corals and coralline algae becomes harder at lower pH, stressing the organisms. That is thought to be the reason why many oceanographers are concerned about atmospheric CO2 and coral reefs.

Likewise, at higher pH calcification may be easier, and they may actually grow faster.