View Full Version : extra precaution for auto top off

02/25/2007, 11:56 AM
Someone has probably already thought of this, but here my idea:
Let your tank go for 12 hours during the day without topping it off then turn on your auto top off and time it to see how long it takes it to top off.
Do this again 12 hours later, say 8am and 8pm.
Then put your auto top off on a digital timer for 8am and 8pm for the length of times it took to top of the system at each particular time of day.
Add a few seconds if you want just to allow for extra evaporation.
This would be an added safety feature in case the auto topoff gets stuck.
Even if its stuck it would only run (roughly) the amount of time it takes to top it off.
Of course if it doesn't need the full time allowed on the timer the top off will shut it off anyway.
Unless of course they both malfunction :)
Is this a good idea? It seems like you get a whole new level of protection for just the cost of a timer.

02/25/2007, 12:05 PM
Also you could have it come on every six hours for shorter lengths of time, in order to keep from adding so much water at one time.

02/25/2007, 06:00 PM
Anyone care to comment?
I would really like to know if it's ok to do it before I set it up.

02/25/2007, 06:09 PM
That does seem like a good idea. You can also safeguard by running another float switch, higher up in the sump (or tank). Configuring that switch to be in "normal off" mode will shut the pump off if the water rises past a certain point. Adding another float switch to a DIY top off system is probably cheaper than adding a digital timer.

To be even safer, you could do both options, but that seems to be getting a little anal.

I like your idea though, and I would surely make it come on 4+ times a day, to reduce the salinity variation. Also, you've got to count on days with higher evaporation. Ambient temperature and humidity factors.

02/25/2007, 06:13 PM
sounds like a good and cheap idea

02/25/2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks guys!

02/25/2007, 07:30 PM
good idea...