View Full Version : Directing flow

02/26/2007, 09:46 PM
Hey guys. Quick question about flow. How do you guys direct it? I mean do you have blowing directly off the rocks, or do you have it bouncing off the glass? Or do you have 2 streams of current hitting eachother?


02/27/2007, 12:03 PM
I got my return pump and a powerhead right at the top of the tank pointing at each other from opposite sides. There is also another powerhead on each side that are on timers. Most of the time the strongest flow is in the middle of the tank but when one of the other pumps comes on it will go to one side. Kinda like dividing the tank into thirds (1/3). The strongest flow is sometimes in the middle, sometimes left, sometimes right.

02/27/2007, 08:59 PM
I've got it bouncing off the glass, and upflow from the bottom of the tank. My returns are blowing down from the top of the water column. So all different directions. I didn't want very much dead space.

02/27/2007, 09:35 PM
I just put a hydor flo on a mj1200. Looks pretty good.

kevin gu3
02/28/2007, 12:01 PM
I have a pump in upper back left pointing right; it hits the right wall. It provides a general circular flow CW around the tank. It leave a dead area in the center of the tank and in the lower back left corner.

Then I have MJs on timers grazing along the live rock wall face in the dead area. They point so they reinforce the general circular flow.