View Full Version : Scratch on all glass

In Deep Water
03/23/2007, 10:53 AM
Ive just noticed a small scratch on my all glass aquarium. Its a very light one, but what type of problems can come of this. Ive heard you can only keep certain livestock if its scratched?

03/23/2007, 10:58 AM
I'm not sure if i'm just hung over or if the question doesn't make sense. But, believe me when i say there isn't a tank out there that doesn't have some kind of scratch on it.

In Deep Water
03/23/2007, 11:00 AM
Well....I read someones blog about how he has a scratch on his glass tank and now he can only keep certain fish in the aquarium because of it. Didnt know if the scratch would cause a stress fracture in the glass either?

03/23/2007, 11:12 AM
lol, A scratch is not going to limit what you can keep. My tank is covered with scratches.

03/23/2007, 11:13 AM
Well, if it is a deep enough scratch, it can cause a "run" in the glass, but that would have to be a serious scratch, that extended to one edge of the glass and then it would require some force. on a 30 gallon though, i wouldn't worry about it leading to a crack. It sounds like you're just starting off with this tank b/c i saw your other thread. I promise you that there will be plenty more scratches to come over the years. my 150 gal. has been running for 15 years now and it's got a fair share of scratches. And every single person with an acrylic tank (b/c they scratch so easily) will have multipel scratches on their tanks. there may be some super sensitive fish out there that doesn't like scratched tanks, but i've never heard of this, or perhaps have and just ignored it. my powder blue seems to love his scratched up 150. if it really bothers you, empty all the sand into a buck and get it polished out, but scratches are almost inevitable.

03/23/2007, 11:27 AM
i wish i only had one scratch....