View Full Version : White lunar lights?

04/11/2007, 08:06 PM
I just got a 24" Sunpod 150W HQI 14K metal halide fixture for my 20 gallon reef tank and it comes with white lunar lights in addition to blue lunar lights. Does anyone use these white lunar lights? And if so, how do you use them? Do you think I should have the white and blue on before going to just blue to simulate a sunset? I actually want to find a way to supplement actinics so I can still mimic sunrise and sunset. I was going to use a retrofit kit with a single bulb but I might not have enough space.

04/11/2007, 08:08 PM
my solaris has white lunar lights, so did a PC set i had

Fast Eddie H
04/11/2007, 08:36 PM
I have a current extreme T5 fixture with white lunar lights. I love them. Much better than the blue. They actually give you a shimmer similar to halides.

04/11/2007, 08:38 PM
Do you use them with the blue ones too?

04/11/2007, 09:38 PM
I think its more of a personal choice. I didnt know they came with blue and white lunar lights. Thats odd. It wont hurt if you run them both or just the whites/blues.

04/11/2007, 09:46 PM
I haven't had white, but I really like my blues. It makes the water look a natural blue glow, like the moon would do on crystal blue reef water!

04/11/2007, 09:56 PM
Yeah, my old fixture just had the blues and I loved it. Current USA advertises that the white lunar lights try to simulate real moonlight but whether or not this theory has been researched or not, I seriously doubt it.