View Full Version : Fighting Naso Tangs

06/25/2007, 11:40 PM
I have 3 Naso tangs for almost a year now. One is 7 inches and the other two are 6 inches in my 150g reef. Just last week my two 6" Naso were fighting constantly for 2 days straight. They would tail slap each other, chase each other all over the tank and both came out with some cuts and scrapes. Now they are ok and not fighting anymore as if the fight was a draw. The 7" Naso did nothing but watched. What happened here? I think all the Nasos are females since none of their tails have the long streamers

06/26/2007, 12:27 AM
Basically they are running out of space. A 150 is arguably large enough to house 1 adult Naso tang, but 3 is seriously cramping them. Now that they are large enough that they are running low on space, youll likely see more fights like that as they try to stake their claim to the tank. Best thing you can do is separate all three of them to tanks of their own (or invest in a super massive tank, say 5000g. Id rather go that route myself ;) )

06/26/2007, 10:23 AM
I agree. And Hormig stated it much nicer than I would've. What did you expect? Tangs are territorial and need a lot of space.

06/26/2007, 10:28 AM
Yes I know my tank is small and Im in the planning stages of getting a 400g by next year. I was going to seperate the two Nasos but they are ok now for the past week. Ill remove them if they start fighting again. I got all 3 Nasos at the same time and they got along fine until last week. Now they are ok again

06/27/2007, 04:04 PM
Three Nasos in a 150 is cruel. Please reconsider keeping all three fish.