View Full Version : What would you guys do? Baffles leak

07/18/2007, 06:34 PM
So I just tested my sump by filling it up and it appears as though all of my baffles leak. I did the best I could but I just suck at it. Now it's very hard for me to get back in and redo the parts (plus I'm not 100% sure where it's leaking) and it's also wet.

I'm considering just using the sump as is with the baffles leaking. What do you guys think of that?

I'm really disappointed and don't know what to do :(

07/18/2007, 06:41 PM
depends how bad they leak...

if its a trickle, than its not a big deal, if its not really routing any water at all, thats a problem.

you only need to worry about the last baffle, the one that holds back the water from the return section. that should be reachable, get some silicone in it and your all set.

the rest just need to be enough to route most of the water so the bubbles are raised out mostly.

07/18/2007, 06:44 PM
I can see a trickle from the skimmer compartment and I believe I can patch that part up fairly easily.

I have a tall baffle b/w fuge/pump section which doesn't seem to be holding up well at all. It's very hard to access this baffle too. This is probably the worst leak.

I then have a 6" baffle before the pump which also seems to be leaking quite badly.


Roy G. Biv
07/18/2007, 07:24 PM
If the prime concern is microbubbles then a slow leak is usually ok. the water is slowed down enough to allow the bubbles to escape.

07/18/2007, 07:35 PM

and if the baffle is there to maintain a water level, you better work on it. do whatever it takes.♠