View Full Version : Mandarin Dragonet - 6 Line Wrasse

11/12/2007, 04:48 PM
Mandarin Dragonet - 6 Line Wrasse - Are these fish a good natural solution to a flat worm problem?

11/12/2007, 05:32 PM
i dont know about a mandarin but a sixline should wipe them out.


11/12/2007, 05:32 PM
From what I've read, it isn't agood idea to put them together. The 6-line will probably out compete the mandarin for food.

11/18/2007, 08:36 AM
I can't say for sure that a Madarin eats flat worms , but I never had a flat worm problem until my Mandarin died. :(

11/18/2007, 08:57 AM
I added a wrasse a few days ago. I THINK I'm seeing less flat worms.......

11/18/2007, 09:38 AM
Six line wrasses do help with flatworms. You do not have the proper sized tank for a mandarin; in any case, they do not help with flatworms. Six line wrasses, however, preclude having certain other fish as they are very aggressive.

11/18/2007, 09:59 AM
I'd like to get a six line wrasse for these hateful flat worms.

I currently have a Regal Tang, Foxface, Hawkfish, Cleaner wrasse, Midas Blenny, 2 clows & a Copperbanded butterfly fish.

Would a six line be ok with this group?