View Full Version : clownfish seizures?

11/15/2007, 08:30 PM
My clownfish (both of them) seem to go into a sort of seizure sometimes, almost like they're getting electrocuted or something. I don't think there's any stray voltage. Is this just normal behavior?

11/15/2007, 08:35 PM
normal behavior

11/15/2007, 08:52 PM
thanks. i was getting worried there!

11/15/2007, 09:03 PM
submissive dance. Shows that they are pairing up, establishing the "pecking order" of who is the female and which submissive clown will become female. The clowns are fine, it's very common, mostly in newly established pairs or when the clowns get stressed (last part is IME i dunno about stress for other people)