View Full Version : niger trigger

12/03/2007, 08:03 AM
he is in hypo for ich, just got the SG down yesterday

he is about 3in long. bought him about a week ago and he looked good. one of the streamers on his tail is shorter and there is now a whitish/green patch on his side. its about 1/4in in diameter.

could it just be that he knocked off some scales?

he acts normal from what i can tell, no twitching or anything.
eats like a pig

12/03/2007, 10:42 AM
How are you measuring your SG and what is it now?
please post QT parameters.

12/03/2007, 02:51 PM
ill see if i can get a pic, my camera doesnt take good pics unless they sit still for 3sec....

am 0
trite 0
trate 0

ph was low, i raised it to 7.7