View Full Version : think the orange will disapear?

Purple Penguins
01/13/2008, 12:24 PM
I got her about 3 weeks ago, she has been in QT till recently, she's a bad mamajama, kept all the little clowns in her tank huddled in little holes in rocks and if they moved she would charge them and make them go back to their holes, so I decided she was best to be a lone clown in my tank, she is a bit of a brat picking on my jawfish by sticking her face in the jawfishes just to be irritating, but my questions really is, her mouth area has hardly any orange at all and I hope it disapears completely with age, she is now only about 1 1/2 "


01/13/2008, 12:44 PM
Yeah will disapear as she matures

01/13/2008, 01:07 PM

pretty fish :)

Purple Penguins
01/13/2008, 01:18 PM
thanks! took me a year to finally find one I liked, and she as you can see is a bit plump

01/13/2008, 02:19 PM
It should all turn black, but not all of them loose the orange completely. This is my male at about 2 years old.


Purple Penguins
01/13/2008, 04:16 PM
wow hexedagain
I have never seen a B&W colored like that before, very neat