View Full Version : Copepods? Anemone?

02/29/2008, 02:02 AM
Please keep in mind I am brand new to all this and I picked up some DT's at the local shop and they recommended Copepods and Kent Marine Essential Elements?

Do I need the Copepods, are they good, bad, what do they do?

What about the Kent Essentials?

What is the best thing to feed my Anemone?



02/29/2008, 02:56 AM
More than likely if you have TBS package you have plenty of copods and other critters. No need to buy any.

02/29/2008, 07:58 AM
The DT's Premium Reef Blend Phyto is good stuff as well as the DT's Frozen Oyster Eggs, forget the copepods and Kent stuff as you will get plenty of trace elements from your salt mix and water changes. If you want to add a supplement I sometimes use Seachem Reef Plus which has vitamin C, iron for the macroalgae and amino acids but even that is not really essential. Make sure to shake the DT's every few days and store in the coldest part of your fridge, and turn off your skimmer and other filtration for a few hours after feeding it.

02/29/2008, 07:42 PM
Thank-you guys very much. By the way my Anemone is all shribbled up? Is that bad? Also what should you feed these guys and how?

02/29/2008, 08:33 PM
I feed mine silversides. But it will eat shrimp also.

02/29/2008, 08:46 PM
Your anemone will absolutely love raw shrimp. I feed mine 2 or 3 times per week. I give him about a third of a shrimp each feeding then cut the rest up into small pieces and feed the whole tank by just dropping it in. I use a pair of hemostats to place the shrimp into the anemone's tentacles. It's cool to watch these guys eat :)

03/03/2008, 04:57 PM
Richard sent me a beautiful purple anemone. Many of his tentacles are growing and splitting. I feed him a piece of shrimp every other day and a drop of plankton in the tank at night.

03/04/2008, 07:22 AM
Hi everybody, thank-you very much for all the help and invaluable advice. Mine was a very nice surprise from Richard as well and is a beautiful specimen as well. The piece of shimp from the hemostat trick is working like a charm.

So far I've been using raw shrimp from the grocery store. Can I use just a bag of frozen shrimp and thaw out as needed? What works the best?
