View Full Version : Whats the Biggest Bristle worm ever in a tank?

04/30/2008, 03:32 PM
Right now I got a love n' hate relationship with my LFS... Got some new rocks and look at the new hitchhiker!


Anything in particular to be done? Ive tried to get it today but it kinda went someplaces i cant reach. Any fsh, crab that will eat him up? Or be patient and trap it up?!

That is for sure the biggest ive seen in my entire life!

04/30/2008, 03:35 PM
Gives me the creeps just to look at it!

more pics....




When i tried to grab him, of course with a plastic tool it spit a lot of white spikes im guessing thats the venom injecting stings, right? It looks very very dangerous!

04/30/2008, 03:39 PM
salt/pepper/ and deep fry at 400 degrees for 10 minutes and it should be pretty tasty

04/30/2008, 03:46 PM
Try and get a head shot of this guy. I think you may have won the lotto and gotten the single problematic species of fireworm in the hobby. Yes, the white spines are what causes the sting, but there's no venom associated with them.

As far as size goes, I've seen some fireworms over 2 feet and other types of worms like eunicids have been reported to push 10-12.

04/30/2008, 03:48 PM
Any method in particular to hunt this beast??