View Full Version : My Korilla #3 is losing its magnetics!

05/07/2008, 08:57 AM
I have 3 #3

One broke and the new replacement back magnetic pad is losing its magnetisim!
its not near heat for it to do this.

I woke up this morning and the new #3 was pointing at the bottom creating a huge sand storm.

So after work today I have to clean up and dust off the rocks and clean the filter yadda yadda.......

Has this happened to anyone before? Is it common?
If so I'll look for a different brand.

05/07/2008, 10:32 AM
happen to me as the magnet is not really a mag just a suction cup. Went to the new pump from seio prop nice and strong mag. and smaller and you cannnot see the impeller spinning