View Full Version : reports from the AC3 pro

05/11/2008, 09:26 AM
when I go to tank datebase and the conditions of tank it doesn't show the ph, temp or cond. I have record data log check and I when in and retrieve data logs and it said log retrieve, when to tank data base were the conditions were and there wasnt anything display any ideas thx.

05/11/2008, 10:41 AM
It sounds like you have it configured correctly; if you go to 'database', 'tank database' do you see log items in the table?

I think the default log interval is an hour so you may just need to wait more time.

05/11/2008, 11:34 AM
no I don't just see the date

05/11/2008, 12:08 PM
If you do not see data it means that there is no data in the log, that AquaNotes has not downloaded it or that AquaNotes has an incorrect AC3 serial number. You can check the log, to see if there is data in the log using the AC menu (Data log->Display Log) or by connecting to the AC3 using a web browser and choosing the 'Datalog' link on the site page. If there is data there then try to 'download' the logs from AquaNotes. If there are still no entries check the AquaNotes configuration; if the serial number is incorrect AquaNotes will not download the log entries.

Hope this helps.

05/11/2008, 12:49 PM
thx that is what it was the wrong serial number

05/11/2008, 01:06 PM
Great; glad it worked for you!