View Full Version : Can filter media be used with CPR Bak-Pak?

05/29/2008, 01:20 PM
I've ran my CPR Bak-Pak2 with only the blue media bale it came with for a couple of years. I would like to be able to use such filter media like phos ban. If the media needs to stay in a spot where the water is always flowing through it, where can I put the media? Should I remove the media bale that came with the CPR? Can additional media be used with the CPR at all without interupting its operation?


Also, should I even be using the media bale if I have life rock and corals?

05/29/2008, 02:28 PM
I personally wouldn't do it. For a couple of reasons, for the phosban to works its best need to have all the water go through it -- and to so that would have to make sure if filled up a whole section of the chamber. So that there was no areas for the water to get around it -- water will take the path of least resistance. But, to do that with the Bak-Pak would be setting yourself up for a flood. There is a chance that something could clog up the phosban, which would slow down/stop the water flowing through it. The water would still be pumped into the skimmer, the water would have to go somewhere. That somewhere is on your floor -- since it hangs on the back of the tank.

05/30/2008, 05:55 AM
Ok, that's what I was afraid of. Thank you. Guess I could use a regular HOT filter for media.