View Full Version : Which Temp Probe Do You Recommend?

07/17/2008, 08:04 PM
I have an AC3 I bought new and after 8 months, it looks like my temp probe is going bad. I've done all the recommendations and checks that this board and everything points to the probe.

I notice that there are two temp probes available for the AC3, one for ~30 which looks like the one I have, and one for ~$45.

Can anyone tell me the differences? If they actually both work on the AC3? What if anything am I getting if I go with the $45 version?


07/17/2008, 09:16 PM
I use the standard, work just fine. I believe the difference between standard and lab is that the lab are pressure rated, in case you need to use it in line.

07/17/2008, 09:29 PM
I have not heard of a lab-grade temperature probe; there should be only 1 temp probe, costing about $30. The one for $45, if it is the one I'm thinking of is for the AC2 (not the AC3).

For the AC3 you want the part number 'PRBTMPJR'

07/17/2008, 09:59 PM
just calibrated pH earlier this week... thinking pH. apologies

07/17/2008, 10:02 PM
No worries; that would explain it :)

07/17/2008, 10:20 PM