View Full Version : 2'' drain plumbing

10/20/2008, 10:25 AM
Heres one for the plumbers :) I have a 2'' drain pipe from the main tank. At the end of this drain I have a two inch T and wanted to keep the bottom part submerged a bit (with a straight piece attached to the bottom of the T) so there is a minimum amount of backsplash. Its doing what I anticipated it would, it shakes a bit b/c of the air trying to escape. I'm sure if the pipe was cut above the waters surface it wouldn't do this, but I dont want the splashback or the noise. If I increased the T to say 3'' pvc would this fix the problem of the pipe shaking a bit and make it so that I can submerge a straight piece of pvc from the T below the water line without it shaking? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

10/20/2008, 01:15 PM
May be add a U at the bottom so the air and water exit going towards the surface. Flexible PVC also helps to cut down on some of the vibration

10/20/2008, 03:05 PM
A U as in two 90's correct? I was wondering about this. I will definately try that tomorrow. Anyone else with information or advice please do so :) Thank you silver

10/21/2008, 09:39 AM

10/21/2008, 09:42 AM
add a pic of what you have so we can see it in action...