View Full Version : check my program

12/12/2008, 01:47 AM
Hi, can you please look over my program and give me your input? I can't get my heater code to work properly. Thank you.

MH1$-A1 metal halide
MH2$-A2 metal halide
MH3$-A3 metal halide
FN1&-A4 fan
T51$-A5 T5 light
T52$-A6 T5 light
FN2&-A7 fan
LTM&-A8 litermeter 3
PMU#-B1 pump
SKM#-B2 skimmer
UVL&-B3 uv
FGE$-B4 fuge light
HET%-B5 heater
OMS&-B6 ocean motion squirt
LED$-B8 moonlight

If Time > 14:30 Then T51 ON
If Time > 23:59 Then T51 OFF
If Time > 15:00 Then T52 ON
If Time > 00:20 Then T52 OFF
If Time > 15:15 Then MH1 ON
If Time > 23:15 Then MH1 OFF
If Time > 15:30 Then MH2 ON
If Time > 23:30 Then MH2 OFF
If Time > 15:35 Then MH3 ON
If Time > 23:40 Then MH3 OFF
If Timer T51 = ON Then FN1 ON
If Timer T51 = OFF Then FN1 OFF
If Timer T52 = ON Then FN2 ON
If Timer T52 = OFF Then FN2 OFF
If Time > 00:00 Then LTM ON
If Time > 00:00 Then PMU ON
If Time > 00:00 Then SKM ON
If Timer T51 = ON Then FGE OFF
If Timer T51 = OFF Then FGE ON
If Timer PMU = ON Then UVL ON
If Timer PMU = ON Then OMS ON
If Timer T51 = ON Then LED OFF
If Timer T51 = OFF Then LED ON
If Temp < 78.3 Then HET ON
If Temp > 81.0 Then HET OFF
If FeedA 000 Then SKM OFF
If FeedA 000 Then PMU OFF
If FeedA 000 Then UVL OFF
If Power 000 Then MH1 OFF
Max Change 015 M Then MH1 ON
If Power 000 Then MH2 OFF
Max Change 018 M Then MH2 ON
If Power 000 Then MH3 OFF
Max Change 020 M Then MH3 ON
If Power 000 Then T51 OFF
Max Change 010 M Then T51 ON
If Power 000 Then T52 OFF
Max Change 012 M Then T52 ON

12/12/2008, 10:59 AM
by not working do you mean your tank temp is still low?
did you check you heater setting to make sure it's thermostat is set to higher than 81?
I assume you already checked to make sure heater is plugged to the correct B5 port.

12/12/2008, 12:23 PM
When I click on the status tab, the window opens and shows the status of everything and you can manually turn on/off devices, the heater is listed as unk.

12/12/2008, 12:24 PM
Also can you manually turn the heater on/off through the controller (control & status -> manual control)?


12/12/2008, 12:38 PM
yes, I can turn on and off manually on the controller itself and on the computer.

12/12/2008, 12:50 PM
Hi, I turned the thermostat on my heater higher and I looked at the status on my computer and the heater shows auto on without the UNK, it now reads on. I am confused now as to how the heater function works, because if I want the heater to turn on when the temp gets below 78.3 then why is it on right now when the temp is 79.9?
If Temp < 78.3 Then HET ON
If Temp > 81.0 Then HET OFF

Could you help me correct this? I want my temp to be between 78.3 and 80.0. Not higher than 81.00.
Forgot to ask does the thermostat on my heater have to be higher than 81.0 in order for the controller to work?
Thanks, confused.

12/12/2008, 01:00 PM
Yes, you heater's thermostat needs to be set to temperature higher than the AquaController's set-point (81 in your case).
In the above code the heater will turn on when the temperature drops below 78.3, and remain on until the temperature goes over 81.0. If you want your temperature to be between 78.3 and 80.0 then change the code to this:

If Temp < 78.3 Then HET ON
If Temp > 81.0 Then HET OFF

The 'U' state simply means that no timer statement has ever been true since the last reboot, power cycle, or program modification. As soon as the temperature/pH/ORP exceeds one of the set points it will go from the 'U' state to the correct on or off state.


12/12/2008, 01:29 PM
Sorry, Im still a bit confused, I tried to modify the program and change the temp to this:
If Temp < 78.3 Then HET ON
If Temp > 80.5 Then HET OFF
but it didn't work because I still got the UNK for the heater. I tried putting it back to
If Temp < 78.3 Then HET ON
If Temp > 81.0 Then HET OFF
but I still get the UNK. Sorry, still don't understand. Thanks in advance.

12/12/2008, 01:45 PM
At the moment nothing is wrong. The "U" is showing because the actual temp in the tank is not less then 78.3 at the moment, and its not greater the 80.5, Once it hits ether one of those conditions the "U" will go away.

Check it yourself, look at the temp on the display, if its beween the 2 numbers, the "U" isn't a problem, it will go away when the temp drops and the heater turns on.

12/12/2008, 02:28 PM
Ok, understand now, thank you.

12/12/2008, 03:51 PM
If none of the statements evaluate to true or false, then the state of the device is unknown. I think it is not a good state to be in, and always cause a lot of confusion. It can also cause problems if you have program lines that depend on the state of a device to be on or off and it ended up as unknown. I think there is room for design improvement here for AC controllers.