View Full Version : sandbed is dirty..help

01/13/2009, 09:55 AM
A friend came over to look at my system and commented my aragonite SB is a bit dark in color. Is this part of a denitrifying process? My system is about 3-4 months old. As i understand it SB can turn a bit dark but mine is a little too dark i do siphon often to remove detritus

01/13/2009, 09:59 AM
A pic would help I think. Sandbeds can be all kinds of color. Not all sand is white or brown.

01/13/2009, 10:04 AM
Definitely need a pic. Is it a DSB, or SSB? Is there visible detritus, or does the sand just look off color? Could there be a layer of cyanobacteria over it? Do you have decent flow across the bottom? How big of a tank is it? The list goes on and on.

01/13/2009, 10:10 AM
i'll try to get a pic tonight. If slightly disturbed you can see lot of debris floating about. I dont have a good flow at the bottom maybe i need to add some more flow. I'm just kinda curious since i dont have any fish and my tank is not heavily stocked. The dirty stuff would come back in a few days after siphoned.

01/13/2009, 02:14 PM
get a sand-shifter goby.. it'll keep your sandbed clean..

on the other hand...you stated that your tank is 3-4mths old >> it could be diatom outbreak (just guessing w/o picture).. but like i said, Sand-Shifter Goby (diamond sleeper goby) will do wonder...