View Full Version : moving a clam from a rock

01/15/2009, 09:39 PM
i have a nice tesr drip clam thats getting bomb-barded by a large green bubble tip anemone. what is the best way to remove the clam from the rock? thx.

01/15/2009, 09:39 PM
sorry tear drop clam

01/16/2009, 08:08 AM
Can you move the rock? If not, if you gently attempt to pull the clam away from the rock you will see many threads attaching the foot of the clam to the rock. These are byssal threads. The threads are basically proteinaceous and can be cut using a razor without injuring the clam. When you do this you want the blade to be basically cutting the thread at it's junction with the rock so that there is a lot of distance between the end of the thread and the foot. Do not injure the foot or you can kill your clam.