View Full Version : Batfish eyes Glazed over

02/12/2009, 06:57 PM
My batfish has recently had ich and been treated with Krypto-Pro by Phish Pharmacy. I noticed once I started using it that his eyes and a couple other fish glazed over and were having a hard time feeding due to vision. Is this part of the ich, or has something else gone wrong with the system. Could it be an affect of the medicine? I quickly lost the other two fish after I dosed the medicine. Please take a look at the picture and let me know what you think this may be.

Thank you


02/13/2009, 10:41 AM

The white diffuse spots on the tail could indicate that the fish still has Cryptocaryon - which can, as you know, also cause cloudy eyes.
What is the active ingredient for the medication? Some products are more toxic than others. I think it is quinine, but I'm not positive. I would not expect quinine to cause cloudy eyes like that.
Batfish are also very prone to Neobenedenia flukes - another disease that causes cloudy eyes. It is certainly not unheard of for fish to have multiple, overlying infections.
