View Full Version : 3 LED AC Lunar simulator set-up

03/30/2009, 09:58 AM
I need to confirm that my thoughts are correct on setting up an AC lunar simulator with an AC jr because I didnt think the instructions were very clear.

I would first create a timer name and assign a plug on my DC8.
Next I would use the ACjr built in moon programming to turn it off and on. Is that all thats to it?

Another question - Is it possible to adjust the built in moon programming to match the moon's cycle here in Minnesota?


03/30/2009, 10:53 AM
Yes, it is that simply. Just make sure that you plug the AC adapter for the lunar simulator into an always on outlet. You don't need to modify anything as the rise and set times for the moon are about the same no matter where you are in the world.


03/30/2009, 12:08 PM
Thanks Curt, but you lost me on the always on outlet.

I am using a DC4hd A1-A4 and a DC8 B1-B8, but not all outlets have been assigned or in use.

So what you are saying is if I would plug the lunar simulator into outlet B7 I would then go into manual contrl and turn B7 to On? If that is correct then would I have the timer name MON B7?


03/30/2009, 01:23 PM
Where I am getting confused is if the outlet the simulator is plugged into is always on, doesnt that override the programming?

I should also add that I have the outlets and simulator connected with the DC4 first, then the DC8, and last in the chain is the lunar simulator.

03/30/2009, 01:31 PM
No, the lunar simulator receives the on/off commands through the telephone cord. The power to the simulator must be present in order for it to receive those commands.


04/01/2009, 11:59 PM
Kjdeut The power supply for the lunar simulator does not have to be plugged in to a DC module at all. Any always on outlet is fine for lunar power supply. This allows you to control something else with the DC8.

04/02/2009, 09:42 PM
Thanks for the replies. I think I have it hooked up correctly, and the power cord is plugged into a normal outlet, but everytime I check the moon lights are on. I have verified that I have the correct addressed assigned because when I go into manual control and turn MON off they go out. Not sure if I am missing something.
