View Full Version : Tangs

05/19/2009, 06:10 AM
Hello all,

I know you hate questons like his about tank size for tangs, but can I keep a convict tang and/or a tomini tang in a 120 gallon 36*36*21 tall?

Thanks, and sorry for the nub question :rolleyes:,

05/19/2009, 07:18 AM
The thing about tangs isn't so much the volume as the length of the tank. They are active swimmers, and like to run the length of tanks in bursts. Yes, the width and height of the tank also has to accommodate the fish as well, but it is the length that gets most tang-keepers in trouble.

Looking at fishbase, convicts get to 11", tomini to about 7". I'm going to assume that they probably won't reach that in captivity (does anything over 4" or so reach full size in captivity, aside from lions?). Based on that, I would think the tomini would be a safe bet, particularly if you allow some open swimming room across the tank (diagonal across that tank is 36 * sqr(2) = 50.9".)

05/19/2009, 11:29 AM
The problem is not the volume, but that your tank shape is really poorly suited for keeping tangs.

It is almost universally believed (and this is my experience as well) that surgeonfish do best when they have a long length of swimming space before they need to turn around.

If you are serious about keeping surgeonfish, you would need to get a new tank. In fact, the standard, 6ft long 125gal tank is typically cheaper than the standard 120gal.

I would avoid both tangs you mention,
