View Full Version : DIY 30g sump/refugium using an exiting aquarium

11/13/2009, 02:35 PM
I have decided to try to make a sump/refugium using an existing 30g aquarium to sit under my 75g display. Sump aquarium measures 30L x 12.5W x 17 Tall. I like looking at refugiums as much as the display so I wanted to maximize that area but according to melev's site the return section should be large enough to allow for system evaporation. I do plan to use an ATO so I am unsure how much that may influence the size of the return section.

I have been researching this topic for years now but some decisions I just cannot seem to get clear in my head. I have visited marc's site so many times my teeth hurt.

The decision of where to locate the refugium does not seem to have an overwhelming difference between the center or the opposite end from the skimmer section assuming the skimmer section is first of course. Center position seems to give "cleaner" water for the return but does not lend itself to independent flow regulation. The opposite end from skimmer location does give flow control (via dual feed) but allows "dirtier" water (not skimmed) to return to the display.

Still unsure which is "best".

Skimmer will be a DAS EX-1 outside the sump aquarium. I will try to plumb from the drain line for supply. Also I will have to make a stand for it to get the skimmer output over that 17" tall side of the aquarium sump.
Return pump will be an Eheim 1260. Already ordered.

I will attempt to make the bubble trap out of glass and the refuium divider out of acrylic. I know I could stick eggcrate on top of a glass divider but am unsure how that would look.

11/13/2009, 02:41 PM
IMHO it depends to a large extent on flow rates. If you think your flow rate through the sump will be about right for the 'fuge, then just put it in the middle.

Also, keep in mind that having the return in the middle doesn't have to mean "dirty water" is getting sent back to the tank - rather than splitting drains to feed both sides, you can T off the return pump to feed the 'fuge.

If you have a good solid reliable ATO, then return chamber volume isn't important. It just needs to be big enough that the return pump is "comfortable" and won't suck bubbles from the splashing that may occur over the last baffle.