View Full Version : I've got a new one...I think (programming ?)

11/23/2009, 10:13 PM
Okay so I believe that when my ozone reactor is on that my skimmer recovers much quicker from a feeding. What I would like to do is to be able to run my feedA cycle (default +30 minutes) which turns off my return and skimmer which I'm doing currently. What I really want to know is how to:

When my return and skimmer pumps come out of feedA have my ozone reactor come on for say...1hr NO MATTER WHAT THE ORP level is.

Fallback ON
Set ON
If FeedA 030 Then OFF (this is feed cycle)
If FeedB 045 Then OFF (this is H2O change cycle)

Fallback ON
Set ON
If FeedA 030 Then OFF (this is feed cycle)
If FeedB 045 Then OFF (this is H2O change cycle)

Fallback OFF
If ORP > 350 Then OFF
If ORP < 300 Then ON
If FeedA 030 Then OFF
If FeedB 045 Then OFF
If Outlet SkimA = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SkimB = OFF Then OFF

SkimA and SkimB are the two pumps on my SM300 RDII skimmer.

Have I stumped the Apex programming gods???


11/23/2009, 11:21 PM
Have you stumped the programming gods; nope :)

You will need the beta firmware but the Defer statement will handle this chore nicely...

Please test this; I'm doing it from my head and haven't tested it...

OzonePlus (a dummy timer)
If Outlet SkimB = Off Then OFF
If Outlet SkimB = On Then ON
Defer 060 Then On

The OzonePlus will turn On/Off same as the SkimB but the Defer will block the outlet from turning on until 60 minutes after the skimmer turns on.

Fallback OFF
If ORP > 350 Then OFF
If ORP < 300 Then ON
If Outlet OzonePlus = Off Then ON
If FeedA 030 Then OFF
If FeedB 045 Then OFF
If Outlet SkimA = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet SkimB = OFF Then OFF

I've added 1 line (if outlet OzonePlus) which will turn on the Ozone when the OzonePlus timer is off.
Here is how (it should) work...
Feed cycle start, turning off SkimB, which turns off OzonePlus (which would turn on Ozone normally but as Feed and If outlet for SkimA come later they will keep Ozone off. Once Feed ends and SkimB turn on then OzonePlus will try to turn on but the Defer will keep it from turning on until 1 hour later. In the meantime the last 4 statements in the Ozone no longer override the OzonePlus turning on the Ozone it will come on. 1 Hour later the OzonePlus turns ON (Defer expires) and causing the If Outlet OzonePlus to be false, leaving the Ozone outlet in whatever state the ORP has it set to.

11/24/2009, 08:30 AM
Ken thanks! I will give it a shot tomorrow and let you know if it works. I never would have thought of doing it this way. Thanks again for the help. I knew I couldn't stump you.


11/24/2009, 09:27 AM
Where do I go to setup the dummy timer "OzonePlus"?


11/24/2009, 10:11 AM
Where do I go to setup the dummy timer "OzonePlus"?


Add a module; you can use a LunarSim since it is once 1 outlet and change the name. I use addresses up and out of the way (like P01).

11/25/2009, 09:42 AM
Ken..you are the man! Works like a charm.

Thanks again for your help.

11/25/2009, 12:21 PM
Glad it worked out!