View Full Version : Do YWG's sift?

12/18/2009, 04:35 PM
I've had a YWG in my 55gal for maybe 2 months now. He's paired with a pistol shrimp and he's always out standing guard, and has grown quite a bit. But he NEVER sifts sand. Thought these guys were sifters???

12/18/2009, 04:42 PM
They do not really sift but mine occasionally does probably a couple of scoops only then stops.

12/18/2009, 04:57 PM
My YWG does the same thing. Always looking out for the pistol shrimp, but never sifting the sand. Heck, in the year I have had him, I don't think he's gone more than 6 inches from their burrow.

12/18/2009, 05:00 PM
They're pretty small, IMO. If you want an avid sifter, get a diamond goby. it might harrass the YWG though, same body type and all.

12/18/2009, 05:01 PM
If you want a sifter, ask for a Diamond Watchman Goby, sometimes known as a orange spotted diamond goby. We have had one for years - he grows as our tank grow...:fish1:



12/18/2009, 05:03 PM
Oh, I have a sifter in my 180gal and I have lots of sand movement in this 55gal with the YWG - more just wanting to be sure he's behaving 'normally', as I expected him to sift. All in all I think these guys have the good life... someone else builds and cleans their home, they simply sit outside and run in really fast if something scary happens!