View Full Version : Deepwater reef tanks

01/27/2010, 11:53 PM
I was wondering if anyone has any tanks dedicated to mostly low light and non photosynthetic corals along with fish at these depths? This kind of tank has always been on my mind but not to sure exactly what fish to keep, so a list of good deep(er) fish that like a 72* temperature range and low light.

01/27/2010, 11:58 PM
Theres a whole section of RC dedicated to just non photosythetic and low light corals you could check there. I dont think that you necessarily have to keep the temperature so low because ive seen peoples tanks on there and they have normal reef fishes.

But i know that Mccoulghs (sp?) clownfish need 72 degree water but there very rare and hard to take care of

01/28/2010, 07:58 AM
Thanks and sorry I didn't think to check if there was a section for this, I just have this section in my favorites.

Please delete this thread.

01/28/2010, 08:28 AM
Sounds like my tank... 70-72 F, all NPS coral, currently no light at all :p