View Full Version : Trust the syringe or vial markings...Elos test kit

08/07/2010, 03:51 AM
I use Elos for Ca and Alk and it's always bothered me that when I draw 5ml of water into the test syringe and shoot it into the test vial that the water level is above the 5ml mark on the vial. Further, the markings on the vials for the two kits are slightly different. Which do I trust? The markings on the vial or the syringe? Does a slight change in water volume materially affect the test results? I suppose I could do two tests, one using the syringe marking to measure the water and another using the vial markings, and see if I get a different result. Anyone else ever notice this and run two tests?


08/07/2010, 04:43 AM
I always trust in the syringe. I've noticed that the lines on some of the vials don't match up

08/07/2010, 10:16 AM
It's a problem with API kits also. Doesn't make sense why they can't be marked accurately.