View Full Version : Lunar sim help!

02/14/2011, 05:17 PM
I have the lunar sim connected by control in into the control port of the apex. The wall part is plugged into my second EB8 which is outlet number 4_7. when I click "on" in outlet setup the leds just all blink once and wont come on. What are my doing wrong or what do I need to do?

02/14/2011, 05:20 PM
2 things:

1) You do not need to connect the power to your EB8; the LunarSim is totally controlled by the program for it

2) Have you added a LunarSim (using the modules screen) and set the address?

Once you complete step 2 you should have a default program (which you should not need to change) but more importantly you can test using manual on and off.

Note: The LunarSum when user to track moon light may not be on when you expect it to be but you can look at the season table to find rise and set times.

02/14/2011, 05:30 PM
I dont have another outlet available to plug it into becausr I have 2 EB8s will it not work plugged into that? What address do you use?

02/14/2011, 08:28 PM
The LunarSim connects to the Apex's 'control' port using a phone cord. After you connect the LunarSim you need to open the Modules screen and 'add' a LunarSim; the address you use to add the new modules should match the address you set using the dip switches on the LunarSim.

The power for the LunarSim can go straight into the wall; no EB8 connection is needed.