View Full Version : Pink Toadstool Leather Losing Color

10/02/2011, 05:33 PM
I have a pink toadstool leather coral that has recently turned white. It closed up for a week to shed and when it was done it came back white. Nothing has changed in my tank recently and all of my water parameters have been stable. It has not moved position either. It looks good and fully extends everyday, it is just white and has been for about a month. Has anyone else had a coral just lose color like this?

10/02/2011, 07:21 PM
how long have you had it? any possibility its a died toadstool? Ive never seen a pink one before

10/03/2011, 05:50 AM
Mine looks pink before it sheds and after its white.

06/29/2012, 11:10 AM
I have had mine for 2 years and was always Pink and has shed numerous times always returning to the same pinkish color. I recently made a significant error by not reading the directions of the Kent Carbon which claims to be super ionic in someway. It recommends using only 1/4 cup for a 100 gallons and I put the average 2 cups I was using with Marineland Black Diamond, I believe it was, Carbon. Well, needless to say, the next morning when I looked at my tank most all soft corals were closed and the few SPS I had, were bleached white already, lost shrimp and crabs. The toadstool began turning white and is now White as a sheet of paper. I see it is still alive as the polyps still come out and occasionally look florescent green. I assume the new Carbon took most all of the beneficial elements out of the water causing this crash. Since then I have brought all of my main parameters back up to specs, and did a couple water changes. Now I am waiting for the slow process of my tank getting back where it was. I figure when My rose anemone's look full and normal I should be close. There are some elements, I don't have test kits for like Iodine, Potasium, and Stronium, but over time I should be able to get them back where needed.