View Full Version : Spectral shift of MH = GHA?

10/22/2011, 06:25 AM
I've even dealing with this for about a month now. It is very stubborn. It's either Gha or byprosis but when I posted pics, the common thought was Gha. I'm using Phoenix 14k and they are almost a year old. Could that be the root cause of the Gha?

10/22/2011, 08:08 AM
I cudda swore there is a thread somewhere discussing this...sorta something about blaming spectral shift on algae .... I can't recall the specifics so I'm not gonna even attempt a search
I thought that Telsa looking guy elaborated on it ....
uh bailout request, ...someone? ....a lil help here ...

Edited to add: I put in a search anyway algae + MH ....a lil there but the other thread is better

10/22/2011, 08:12 PM
IME, the root cause of algae growth is excess nutrients. JMTC & GL!