View Full Version : iPhone to tell is glass is Drillable or not?

11/20/2011, 01:26 PM
I remimber reading forever ago that you could use a laptop to tell if an tank was tempered or not. Well I don't have a laptop but I do have an iPhone. Would the iPhone work?

If so how can I tell what the tank is?
I place my phone on the other side of the tank and I can see the phone plane as day. It doesn't blur or anything.
Tempered is the kind you can't drill yah? It'll shatter...


11/20/2011, 02:25 PM
Um don't have any of those. Need a pair though for fishing :)

Any other ideas

11/20/2011, 02:32 PM
Actually my my trend next door might. What do I look for or do to tell if i can drill it or not?

11/20/2011, 03:20 PM
When u wear polorized glasses and have a white lcd screen. Put the lcd screen device on the other side of the glass. Put on the glasses and turn your head 45degree. The white screen will be clear to pitch black when you tilt your head. If its not tempered it will be just pitch black, if it has streaks in the glass its tempered and cant be drilled. I have done this twice but i used a laptop

11/20/2011, 09:43 PM
Very cool info! I heard about the glasses and never understood it before. Thank you!!!

11/20/2011, 10:26 PM
lol, judging by the title I thought there was an app for that.