View Full Version : Bitter Sweet Day

11/28/2011, 09:35 PM
I had two unusual things happen today. 1) i have two Banggai Cardinals that i have been hoping to breed, and i saw them do their mating dance for the first time today. 2) i lost my favorite fish, Dube, a orange diamond goby. it wasn't from sickness or age, but he got stuck in-between my anemone and the rock that its foot is attached to. its hard to explain, but i think he suffocated on the slime from the foot. he was my favorite fish and he will be missed.

11/28/2011, 11:37 PM
Sorry to hear that. This hobby definitely has its ups and downs. You experienced both in one day...

11/28/2011, 11:54 PM
yeah, it sucked a lot... the cardinals were dancing while i was taking my goby out