View Full Version : MOWLR Setup ;)

12/30/2011, 09:45 PM
G'day all :spin1:

First I should state what I mean by MOWLR which I am sure most could guess...MantisOnlyWithLiveRock :lmao:

The question I have in mind is the following, in the near future (month) I plan on upgrading my existing setup to house many tanks some small some large, there would be around 750-1000L of water in the entire setup.

There will only be as I have stated, Mantis Shrimp, Live Rock, Water, and Sand.

Filtration wise what am I looking at is a skimmer going to be necessary for this, I would automatically assume so...? What would I be looking at filtration wise though beyond a skimmer since I don't plan on having any coral ?

Cheers for any ideas you can give!

EDIT: Basically if I don't have to get a skimmer (which would save me a SHITE load and kick start the process faster) I wouldn't have to offset my sump like I plan to if I do need one but, having said this I won't skip on the sake of money for the health of these stomatopods! =)