View Full Version : Bangai Cardinals - adding a female to 2 males?

02/01/2012, 04:37 PM
Like the title says.....since the bangai cardinals are born the sex (I was told) they won't change. They were the first fish I got when I set up my tank and I was hoping to get a male/female to eventually mate. Well with my luck I got what ended up being 2 males that pop their jaw all day/night and fight.

My question is if I add an identified/verified female, what will happen? Will the males fight till one dies? Will they kill the female? My goal is to have a breeding pair of bangai cardinals.


02/01/2012, 08:20 PM
Usually the males will fight. It's not going to get any better by adding a female. I would remove 1 of the males & start with that

02/02/2012, 08:34 AM
That is what I was thinking... the males now stay in opposite corners of the tank and occationally fight with each other. For a while the dominate male chased the other behind the rocks and finally one day the submissive male stood his ground and now stays out in water column.

I just hope if I get a female and remove a male, the male won't kill the female.

Guess we will see.
