View Full Version : Pretty new at this

03/17/2012, 04:05 PM
Hi I have been with my new tank for about 5 months I have a torch coral and a frog spawn two clowns a yellow watch man and several snales and crab and need to no some thing about my new live I have in it.

First thing is my girl friend had gone and bought a dyed sebae anemone:( but I'm am not going to give up on the guy because I'm sure he would be better off with me than in that pet store.

Now I'm need to no what to feed the little one and how to target feed him as well.

Also what things I need to do to get him healthy again.

Any help would be great thanks

03/17/2012, 07:13 PM
I would suggest feeding him small pcs of raw shrimp, raw scallops, or raw mussles. Just small pcs (about 1/2 the size of his mouth) Don't feed too often, maybe once every week or two.

Also, you are going to have to keep you water parameters near excellent. Your anemone is very stressed right now and will need all the help he can get