View Full Version : Neptune apex gmail

04/10/2012, 03:58 PM
Can I setup my apex without using a gmx account? Can't I just have it send out messages through gmail?

04/10/2012, 04:21 PM
The apex unit should have a mail server integrated into it, so you shuold be able to sent alerts to your gmail no problem.

04/10/2012, 04:23 PM
tagging along

04/10/2012, 04:34 PM
You should be able to use gmail's SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com. However some ISPs block the ability to use an SMTP server on the default port (25) that isn't their own. You will likely also have to enable email authentication and specify your full @gmail.com email address and password in the fields.

04/10/2012, 04:45 PM
I am using an ISP that does block outgoing port 25 connections so I cannot test this, but some people say that smtp.gmail.com refuses port 25 connectinos and only accepts secure TLS/SSL connections on port 465. Looking at the Apex network settings screen it doesn't appear TLS or SSL connections are supported. Have you tried using your ISP's default smtp gateway? It may be listed on their website or you could perhaps find it via a google search.

04/10/2012, 04:57 PM
When you check test email setting does it really send a test. That is the only way I'm testing. I can connect to apex through router on my phone (evo android) using broweser. Problem is router is behind my uverse gateway. When my phone is connected to the router (wireless) I can connect to apex and internet. But it won't send me emails or text even tho I set up gmx account and verified text at .pm.Sprint.com and all gmail names and pass words