View Full Version : Reef safe glue other than Super glue gel

07/11/2012, 01:53 PM
I want to make a couple of colums for my reef tank. I cut some 4" wide PVC pipe. But I would like to cover in glue or something and place sand on it. To make it look more like live rock than white pvc pipe. Or should I just get some Krylon fusion spray paint and cover with sand before it dries?


07/11/2012, 09:12 PM
Aquascaping! I am going to do that to my LR on Friday when I get it. Ok so here is how I am going to do it. There is this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=great+stuff+foam&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=799&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15130000916839372174&sa=X&ei=vD_-T4XrAoaKrgG-2tSLCQ&ved=0CG8Q8wIwAQ It is reef safe. Have heard that it is reef safe from another forum. Simply hold the rock to the pvc, spray it, and it will act as glue. Pretty neat. Just wait until it cures. I got my foam stuff at menards near the glue section.

07/12/2012, 03:57 AM
call me old fashioned, but that is what i have used silicone sealer for in the past. smear it on the pipe, sprinkle on the material and let it sit for a couple days. i happened to have used crushed coral when i horsed around doing that. once it cures the sealer still flexes and the glued stuff doesnt fall off after a while. i cant say about other things falling apart over time since i never have used anything else.

you can also make little epoxy shapes and ledges and shims etc and roll those in sand like breaded catfish lol. you can put plastic "rebar" into epoxy too for added strength for even more versatility in shapes

nice to see that expando foam "may" really be safe. that stuff is awesome, but my jury is still out on it since i am not up to speed on the tests.

07/12/2012, 08:29 PM
I was thinking of getting the foam. But I would get the pond foam instead of the red can. Tough stuff I think it's called. Foam should be reef safe since it's for ponds and I've seen $100+ koi at the stores. But didn't want to get cause that would be a waste of money. $13 per can and I'm only using .75¢ worth. That's why I was looking for glue or epoxy. I can waste my money on corals instead of foam. :-)

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07/12/2012, 09:47 PM
You could try heating up the PVC to make it soft and then rolling it in the sand to press it in? Even if much of the sand doesn't stick it would give it a texture like sand so it wouldn't matter anyway.