View Full Version : mixing percula and ocellaris variants?

07/12/2012, 09:10 AM
I currently have a single normal percula but would like to add another clownfish. If i go with a different variant such as the snowflake, misbar, or naked percula would the two fish still have the same chances of pairing up as two of the same variant?

Also, what about mixing a percula with an ocellaris - would they be able to pair up as well? Some of what i've read says they can, and some say no.

07/12/2012, 09:14 AM
they are the same fish essentially.

07/12/2012, 08:06 PM
No,*percula and ocellaris are not the same fish. That is why they have different scientific names. Now mis-bars and other percula variants will work.

07/12/2012, 11:27 PM
You can pair them up rather easily. They are not the same species but they will pair up no problemo. I got a Picasso with a occy that are laying.

07/14/2012, 12:28 AM
From what I've heard, it can be hit or miss. Whip, great that they are pairing up so well! From what I've seen, they typically don't pair up well outside of the same type. There are different kinds of percs (misbar, true, picasso, etc) and same with ocellaris. I would personally stick to the same type (all perc, all ocellaris, all clarkii, etc) and maybe get different variants (misbar, picasso, etc) if you want a different look. Just to be on the safe side.