View Full Version : Trying to pair maroon clowns, need advice so the little one doesn't get killed

08/26/2012, 02:16 PM

I have had maroon clown about 2.5 inches long for bout 7 months now hosting with a RBTA. I now have a smaller (about 1 inch long) maroon clown that I am hoping will be able to pair up with my larger maroon. I also have a false percula on the opposite side of this 55 gallon. The maroon and percula have been on opposite sides of this tank, and neither of them like the new maroon. I have had it for about 24 hours now, so its early on in the process. They both attack the little guy at first sight, he has found a hiding spot in the center, but if he strays out to where they can see him he gets attacked and doesn't really know what to do or how to find his way back to his hiding spot. I feel like he is in danger, so I tried using a plastic blackberry container to acclimate the two maroons. Does anyone have any advice for me?

08/26/2012, 02:53 PM
Get rid of the oscellaris or at least move it to another tank. It is rarely a good idea to keep two different species of clowns in all but the largest tanks, especially if you plan to pair one or the other up. Assuming you can get the maroons to bond, it is likely that the perc will be harassed until she dies.

08/26/2012, 06:40 PM
You need to house the small maroon in a clear housing by himself in the tank close to the other maroon. The female can get used to seeing the other fish without being able to attack it. Maroons can be picky about who they pair up with.

Agree with Postal about separate species in a 55, especially when one is a maroon. You can keep juveniles, but when clowns pair up and start laying eggs, they can become vicious to other tank mates.

08/27/2012, 08:00 PM
Put the false percula into the container so you don't have to worry the small get attack by 2 clown. Giving him another day or 2 therefor your old maroon gets use to the new one . Don't forget to feed her before you release the new one, less change to fight for food more change for them to get pair up. After that you can let go the percula .