View Full Version : Can loading new programs cause radion performance issues ?

09/29/2012, 11:40 AM
Hello, as I modify and load in new programs over the past 10 months to my radion, I wonder if this unit is like a computer where after a certain point the radion can malfunction or not work properly thanks to the "hard-drive" or whatever is in there, getting saturated with various different new programs and bits and pieces of old ones lying around. I completely empty my computer once per 6 months to ensure good performance, and I'd like to know if the radion should have maintenance as well. Since yesterday it took 2 re-try's to load in a program and that never happened before, I'm left wondering about this. Anyone know?

10/01/2012, 03:31 PM
well you can always reset to factory and that would clear out any damaged code.