View Full Version : Next projects: Phytoplankton and Copepods, Plus upgrading sump

02/02/2013, 06:33 PM
I only have a 40L, but I insist on having a mandarin.

My current sump is a 15 gal. I've measured my space and have room for a 29 gal I have sitting in the garage. I don't know that I'm going to throw the baffles in this one. I baffled the 15, but I don't see that many microbubbles.

I have a couple 10 gals also (I used to breed Betta splendens, have lots of leftovers from the freshwater days), so I'm going to set a couple up for copepod cultures. That way if one crashes I have a second to fall back on.

I will also be setting up a phytoplankton station to feed the copepods. Have some extra lights from my freshwater days that will serve perfectly for this also! I collect 2-liter bottles to grow veggies in, and I can use some for this along with the bbs I already hatch time to time.

I have a little room in my basement that I've set up for indoor gardening, and have a corner that will be perfect for my little 'fish food' area. All I need is a new air pump and some tubing, and it's on!