View Full Version : 2 Lyretail Anthias + 2 Flame Wrasses in 75 gallons

03/31/2013, 07:29 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am looking for some personal experiences regarding Lyretail Anthias and Flame Wrasses. I already have 2 Lyretail Anthias, one male and one female. I am going to get a pair of Flame wrasses, a male and a female. The tank is a 75 gallons reef, so what do you guys think?

Will they live together okay or will they fight to the death?
Food fill be plenty, I feed them at least 3 times a day.


03/31/2013, 08:05 PM
Should get along just fine. The only thing I would worry about is jumpers. I have had both jump out on me.

04/01/2013, 07:45 AM
Thanks for the reply, yeah I have eggcrate around my canopy. 1 foot high, hopefully that is high enough.

04/01/2013, 09:02 AM
Ime Lyretails get big and the males can become aggresive towards the species if not given proper space. I had a trio in a 90 and he was becoming a lil aggresive towards the females. They are competitors when it comes to feeding so docile species would have a problem eating. For the flames you should be ok as long as they stay the only wrasses in the 75. Other than that they are known to become a bit aggressive down the road.