View Full Version : Weekly WC, or bi-weekly...

05/29/2013, 03:20 PM
Is it better to do weekly water changes, or bi-weekly?

05/29/2013, 05:21 PM
If they add up to the same amount it matters only a little:

Smaller more frequent water changes are a little less efficient at exporting nutrients and supplementing elements.

Large changes provide less consistency in element concentrations and may shock organisms.

Many do weekly or every other week changes with success
. FWIW, I do 1% per day.

05/29/2013, 05:43 PM
Makes sense, I just want to keep the water parameters constant on the same readings. Figure if I do water changes every week, and being consistent about it, my corals would come back to life.

05/29/2013, 08:24 PM
I also like daily 1% changes, tmz is spot on in his post.