View Full Version : snail dead? cant tell

09/04/2013, 12:24 PM
A turbo snail has been on his back the past few days, his door thingy is tightly closed
So just now i took him out to see if hes dead or not, and i cant tell
When i turned his shell underwater all bubbles came out
I smelled him and he smelled but not too too bad, kinda like an elephant at the zoo
I have him in a cup now waiting for movement, so far nothing
do you think hes dead?

09/04/2013, 01:21 PM
when dead, they smell really really bad. he's most likely dying. when snails fall over, you can right them. the good news is, when one dies, you can clean out the shell and use it for other things.

09/04/2013, 01:49 PM
oh when they are dead...you will know it. It is a smell unlike anything other. They can go dormant for awhile, I say just put him back in. If he was dead the door wouldn't be tightly closed and you would know it by the smell

09/04/2013, 02:02 PM
eh he kinda smells, i poked the trap door some and there was no movement, i chucked him in the garbage :(