View Full Version : iodide dosing help

09/10/2013, 09:33 AM
So I have decided to make a dyi iodide solution.
I plan on using KI pills dissolved in demin water.
I was hoping someone could check my math.

K= 39.1 g 23.55%
I=126.9 g 76.45%
KI= 166g 100%

1 KI pill = 130 mg 100 mg of which are Iodide

So 10 pills X 100mg = 1000mg
1000mg/ 10 pills into 250mls should provide a solution of 4000 ppm.

So if I have a tank volume of 100 gal or 378541 mls
And I want the final concentration of the tank to be 0.06ppm

378541 mls X 0.06 ppm ÷ 4000 ppm
= 5.68mls I need to add to the tank

Does this seem right?

09/10/2013, 12:32 PM
That sounds about right.

I'm assuming when you say you want the concentration in the tank to be 0.06ppm you mean you want it to be 0.06ppm higher than it already is. If you want the total concentration in the tank to be 0.06 then you'll have to measure what it is now and subtract to figure how much to dose.

09/10/2013, 04:20 PM
That's right I was calculating based upon an initial concentration of 0.0 ppm of Iodine iodate iodide
Thanks for helping