View Full Version : Hydrogen peroxide baths

01/13/2014, 09:20 AM
i have a breeding clown system, over the last 24 hours everyone stopped eating, and i had one fish succumb to brook like symptoms extremely fast.

tattered fins, loss of color, loss of appetite, lethargic, heavy breathing. I did a freshwater dip to no avail and she died fairly fast,

i am on last resort options here. the remaining clowns won't eat but still have full color. i picked up some formulin but have heard it is toxic and that eroxide may be a better method?

any he;lp at all appreciated guys thanks

01/13/2014, 10:04 AM
I would think clownfish could handle a formalin bath easier than most fish. Formalin & Chloroquine phosphate are the only treatments I've heard are effective at treating Brook.

01/13/2014, 10:27 AM
thats what i had thought as well but before putting them through that i spoke with a local breeder who claims to have saved 15/16 fish using peroxide baths so i chose to give it a try. So far I'm 15 minutes in (half way and the fish seems okay) not sure how much this is doing towards disinfecting the fish of disease though

may switch to formalin if i don't se results quickly. Has anyone battled brook successfully and has stories they can share?

01/13/2014, 06:24 PM
I used Quick Cure dips to successfully treat a flame angel. Couldn't find formalin locally. I did 5 dips every other day.

01/13/2014, 06:57 PM
quick cure if I'm correct is something like 3% formalin no? I would think that wouldn't be enough for treatment. Currently all my fish are lethargic and not eating. I did a peroxide dip several hours ago on my main pair. nit sure what to do. some people say go peroxide and some say no peroxide. some swear by foralin and some swear against it. I just want to take a affirmative action and have it be in the best interest of the fish as well